How to uninstall the Proton Drive macOS app
If you need to uninstall the Proton Drive macOS app, you must do so manually. We detail the steps below.
Before starting, make sure all the data you want backed up is either on the cloud or you have a local copy. Once you uninstall the app, Proton Drive will delete all the data stored within its folder, and you will no longer be able to retrieve it.
How to uninstall the Proton Drive macOS client
To uninstall the Proton Drive Mac app, first log out of the app by clicking on the Proton Drive icon in the top bar of your screen. With that open, click Settings.

In the settings screen, click Sign out.
Next, make sure to quit the app by clicking on the Proton Drive icon again and then clicking on Quit.
Finally, you need to manually uninstall all files associated with Proton Drive.
Below is a list of all the files and folders you must delete, either by selecting them and holding Command + Del or dragging them to the Trash icon on your Dock.
“/Users/$username/Library/Group Containers/”
“/Users/$username/Library/Application Support/FileProvider/”