Understanding account access with Proton Drive for Business
This article explores how to manage a Proton Drive for Business account as an admin or user.
Drive for Business account admins
As the administrator of a Proton Drive for Business account, you can add or remove users and control their access permissions.
How to view Drive for Business team members
- Log in to drive.proton.me(new window) using your admin credentials.
- Click the [gear icon] at the top right of your screen then click All settings.
- Click Organization and then Users.
- Here your can view a list of users added to your Drive for Business account as well as their account status. Users who have not accepted their invitation to join your organization on Proton Drive will be marked as Invite sent.
What happens when a user is invited to Drive for Business
When you invite a user to join your organization’s Drive for Business account, they will receive an email invitation to create or access their account.
Newly added team members will gain instant access to files and folders shared with them in the Shared with me tab. All files that you haven’t shared with other team members will remain private to you.
All files that team members add to their Proton Drive without sharing them others will remain private to them unless an Admin user uses Sign-in as a user to access a team member’s account.
Sign-in as a user is only available for Proton Business Suite and Proton Enterprise plan admins.
When inviting a member to your team, if they have a paid Proton Drive subscription registered to the same email address, they will need to cancel their subscription to join yours.
How to enable and enforce 2FA for users
- Login to drive.proton.me(new window)
- Click [the gear icon] at the top right corner.
- On the left panel, under Organization click Authentication.
- To make 2FA mandatory for admins and/or all user, use the toggles at the bottom of the screen. You can also remind your team members to enable 2FA by sending an automated email.

Drive for Business users
Admin access to your account
If you are a member of a Proton Drive team, your organization’s admin can access your account using the Sign in as a user feature. Your admin can log in to your account to:
- View a team member’s folder structure
- Share files and folders with others
- View, open, and download files
- Delete files, or restore deleted files
If you need help changing a setting on your account—for example, resetting a password—direct your admin to manage this from their own account’s settings under Organization > Users.
If your admin has accessed your Proton Drive team account using the Sign in as user feature, you may receive a notification email. However, it is at your admin’s discretion whether to send this email. If you have further questions or concerns, please check with your admin
You cannot disable an admin’s ability to access your account. If you have concerns about security or content in your Proton Drive account, speak with your admin about your organization’s policies.
Account privacy
By default, everything in your team’s Proton Drive account is private. Other team members won’t be able to access your files unless you provide access using shared links, shared folders, or an email invitation.
Leaving your organization
If you leave your organization, an admin can remove you from your Proton Drive team.